
Collective agreement

Your collective agreement sets out your rights and responsibilities at work.  If you have any concerns about your treatment, please talk to your steward or a member of the executive.

Bylaws and CUPE Constitution

Our bylaws set out the rules for how our local democratically elects our representatives, and how it is run.

CUPE Saskatchewan Constitution and bylaws

CUPE Constitution


Benefits for CUPE 3730 members are provided through the Board's benefits plan, as negotiated in the collective agreement.  If you feel you are being unfairly denied access to benefits, please talk to your steward or a member of the executive.

Full time employee coverage.

- $75,000 Term Life Insurance
- $50,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance
- $20,000 Spousal Term Life Insurance
- $10,000 Dependents' Term Life Insurance
- Long Term Disability
- Dental Care
- 100% Extended Health Care Services and Supplies;
- 80% Prescription Drug Co-Insurance, Saskatchewan Formulary, $9.00 deductible;
- Vision Care at 100% - $300.00 per eligible person per 24 months. Effective January 1, 2012 $350.00 per person per 24 months.
- Benefit Plan Enhancement for Doctor Recommended Orthopedic Footwear and Inserts:
- $100 in addition to $150 per calendar year for stock item orthopedic shoes.
- $150 in addition to $400 per 3 calendar years for custom made orthotic foot appliances.


Employee and Family Assistance Program

People face a variety of challenges in their day to day lives. Issues, such as emotional stress, marital breakdown, financial problems, parenting issues or addiction can arise as the result of the strains and stresses of modern living. When we have problems in one area of our lives other areas such as health, spirituality, relationships or work performance may suffer. Generally, people have the skills and abilities to deal with these challenges successfully. Sometimes, however, life issues, by their nature, are too complex or too large to solve using normal coping strategies. When this happens the resulting anxiety may drain an individual of energy and effectiveness. It is then your Employee and Family Assistance Program may be helpful.
The Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) provides confidential and professional counselling to employees and eligible family members experiencing difficulty. Your EFAP is designed to support employees and their families to ensure a healthy personal and work life.
All Greater Saskatoon Catholic School employees and their immediate families, spouse and dependent children living with the employee, are eligible. The EFAP program will pay for a total of 10 (ten) fully funded sessions for employees and/or eligible immediate family members per calendar year. Group programs are also covered. Employees are encouraged to familiarize members of their immediate family with these benefits.
General Inquiries
For general information about the EFAP, contact the EFAP
Coordinator at 306-659-7067.
The EFAP program is designed to safeguard the privacy and rights of employees. Each agency is independent of the Greater Saskatoon Catholic School Division. All counsellors are guided by a professional Code of Ethics. Personal information, including your name, will not be released to the employer and will be kept confidential by the counselling service. Discussions between the employee/family member and the counsellor are held in strict confidence.
How Do I Make An Appointment?
You may access the EFAP 12 months of the year by calling one of the independent counselling agencies for an appointment. A counsellor should respond within 24 to 48 hours and appropriate sessions scheduled. If necessary, appointments may be arranged outside the agencies regular office hours.
1) CFS Saskatoon (formerly Catholic Family Services)
Phone: (306) 244-7773
2) Professional Psychologists & Counsellors (PPC)
Phone: (306) 664-0000 Toll Free: 1-888-425-7721
3) ALMA Counselling Place
Phone: (306) 802-4819
Late Cancellations/No Shows
The cost of late cancellations (less than 24 hours) and no shows, are charged to the program. Please make every attempt to keep your appointment or provide more than 24 hours advanced notice of cancellation. Each appointment not cancelled or rescheduled within this timeframe will be considered a session.


Pensions for CUPE 3730 members are provided through the Saskatchewan Municipal Employees Pension Plan (MEPP).  If you have questions about your eligibility or concerns about your treatment, please talk to your steward or a member of the executive.

Breaks for 3730 members

  1. Breaks are outlined in article 34.4 of the collective bargaining agreement. Full time staff shall be granted fifteen (15) minute rest periods both preceding and following their lunch. Lunch is unpaid for employees starting before 1:00 pm.
  2. Article 34.7 states that the two (2) rest periods (15 min each) and lunch break (20 min) may be combined so that two (2) breaks of twenty-five (25) minutes maybe taken during a shift, provided there is mutual agreement between the employee and immediate supervisor.  Breaks cannot be taken at the beginning or end of the shift. This is for employees who start at 1:00 pm or later.


The information is pertaining to 6 to 8hr employees. However, we have received from the human resource manager the following regarding shifts with less than 6 hours.

5 hrs - 1–20-minute break

4 hrs - 1–15-minute break

3 hrs - no break


Those of you with multiple locations will discuss with each school Head Caretaker and the assistant manager of HR Facility Services to be determine the best scheduled breaks.

We would like to remind you it's your break and you need to be taking them to recharge and rest.

A conversation with the Building Operator/Head Caretaker regarding breaks is a good start.  If you have any other questions, please contact a member of the executive.

Additional Resources


Committee Attandance Form - CUPE 3730