Online Webinar


Health & Safety Webinar: Why do we commemorate the Day of Mourning (DOM)


April 28, 2021 2:00pm-4:00pm (Pacific)


Please note: Registrants will be emailed the Zoom link, and materials 2-4 days prior to the workshop to the email they provided when they registered.
You must enter an individual email address for every registration so we can send each participant the link with the log in information.



Workers are killed on the job every day. Do we really ever hear about it on the news? What are the stats for Young Workers? Don’t we want every worker going home at the end of the day?
Join us for an online presentation on the Occupational Health & Safety implications of COVID-19 and recommended practices. It will be followed by a question-and-answer period where you can ask your burning questions and hear from our expert – Tom McKenna, BC Health & Safety Representative and Workers Compensation Appeals Advocate
This webinar is intended for Health and Safety activists.
Registration has ended but they still have a few spots left as of posting this on the website.


Burnaby, British Columbia

Please note that this workshop may be cancelled due to low registration or other reasons.
Send your cancellation request in writing with your local number, address and telephone number by the registration deadline to: Darlene Wilson.
Darlene Wilson

If you are interested, please remember that if you work during this time you will not receive the paid time off for it. Therefore if you attend and it takes an hour you owe an hour of your time. Do not book off any time through Aesop.

Online Webinar

Webinar – Sexual Harassment-Resources and Law for Unions and Workers
May 27, 2021 (11:00 am – 2:00pm)
Facilitators: Nicole White, Laura Ross, Chandra Pasma 

Please click this link for more details about this webinar and registration details.
Sexual_Harassment-Resources_and_Law webinar.

If you are interested, please remember that if you work during this time you will not receive the paid time off for it. Therefore if you attend and it takes an hour you owe an hour of your time. Do not book off any time through Aesop

Dear CUPE 3730:

CUPE Saskatchewan is currently accepting applications from members of affiliated Local unions to serve on the Task Force for Member Engagement. Applications for consideration of appointment must be received by no later than Monday, May 10, 2021. CUPE members in good standing of affiliated Local Unions are eligible to apply.
Position opportunity
Positions on the ad hoc Task Force for member Engagement will be for a term ending March 2022. The role will require attendance at periodic meetings called by the chair.

Conditions of appointment
The successful candidate must commit to attend meetings when and where required (periodic virtual video conference meetings or conference calls). Union leave may be required to attend such meetings when called by the Chair. Appointees will be compensated for lost wages through union leave from work when required to attend meetings. If in-person meetings are held when it is considered safe to do so in the future, costs and expenses related to the attendance of meetings will covered as per the expense policy.

Eligibility for appointment
In your application, you must demonstrate that you meet the following requirements:
You are a member in good standing of a CUPE Local Union affiliated to CUPE Saskatchewan.
You have adequate knowledge of the structure of CUPE and, specifically, the structure of the provincial division.

How do I apply?
Candidates who wish to apply should complete and submit an application form.
Applications must be received by the Division Office no later than Monday, May 10, 2021.

Results of the selection process will be sent to all candidates at the email address provided on their application.
The application form is attached to this email and available at this link.
For more information about the mandate, structure and role of the Task Force, visit:

Online Webinar

Welcome everyone, we are please to present a Covid-19 webinar from CUPE National: 

Vaccines – a Tool to End the COVID-19 Pandemic.

May 4, 2021 OR May 5, 2021

Facilitators: Andie Chénier, Archana Rampure, and Gary Day
Please click this link for more details about this webinar and registration details.
COVID-19 Vaccine Webinar.

If you are interested, please remember that if you work during this time you will not receive the paid time off for it. Therefore if you attend and it takes an hour you owe an hour of your time. Do not book off any time through Aesop.

A message from our CUPE Sask President.

Good Day Sisters, Brothers and Friends:

CUPE Saskatchewan has sponsored the following upcoming virtual townhall hosted by MLA Aleana Young, featuring Lorne Calvert and Ryan Meili.

Here is the link to register for the townhall:

As a sponsor, we have the ability to share it with as CUPE members and I would encourage if you are able to participate, please do so.  The event is Thursday, April 22nd from 7:00pm to 8:00pm.


Take care and stay safe.

Judy Henley
President, CUPE Saskatchewan
General Vice President, CUPE National
306 621-5058

If you are interested, please remember that if you work during this time you will not receive the paid time off for it. Therefore if you attend and it takes an hour you owe an hour of your time. Do not book off any time through Aesop.

March 2021 National Executive Board meeting

Hello everyone, coming from CUPE national

Highlights of the March 2021 National Executive Board meeting


National President’s Report and National Secretary-Treasurer’s Report to the March 2021 National Executive Board meeting

Circulate the reports to members of the executive and make them available to interested members for their information.


Economy at Work – CUPE’s economic and bargaining newsletter

Circulate to members of your executive. Consider using the report as a bargaining reference tool to provide accessible information and analysis of economic developments.


Stay safe and have a great day!!

Labour Relations and Workplace safety committees

Hello everyone here is the minutes of both labour relations and workplace safety committees. If you have any concerns or items to add to the agenda of these committees please submit it to the people down below at least one week before their next scheduled meeting.

Labor Relations Committee
Next Meeting April 21st,2021
3730 committee members
Jason Schrader    St Marys
Ron Mclean       Service Center
Workplace Safety Committee
Next meeting April 21st, 2021
3730 committee members
Jason Schrader    St Marys
Bobby Cabuco St Volodymyr

Two Factor Authentication with GSCS Portal

With the change over to our new password reset system I have had several emails from people voicing concerns over using the Microsoft Authenticator app.  Although most of you have now installed it, I thought I would explain it in a little more detail, to hopefully alleviate the concerns of those who haven’t yet.

The Microsoft Authenticator app gives us zero access to people’s phones, and doesn’t do anything like location tracking or collect information from your phone.  We can’t exercise any control or have any visibility into the phone’s use or it’s contents through this application.  The only thing it does is deliver a code to you when you open the app.  This code is generated by Microsoft, and is a way for the system (not us) to verify that the person changing their password is the person attached to that user account and not a hacker.  This is known as two-factor authentication (TFA), which many financial institutions, social media sites and others are using as a means to help verify identity.  It provides us with a line of defense against hackers compromising peoples accounts, and hopefully will help us avoid some of the major compromises (ransomware, personal data theft, etc.) that has hit Canadian educational organizations over the last few years.

Your should also be aware that this app consumes very little data, so it won’t affect your bill.  It is not the same as a text message.  It only uses a tiny bit of data when you open the app to get the code, so tiny it’s almost immeasurable.  Plus you will only need to use it when you change your password (once every three months-ish) or unlock your account.

If you don’t want to use the app or don’t have a smartphone, there is the option to use an alternate email address to get the code.  We would prefer if people didn’t use this option for two reasons.  If you need to use a school division computer to access your personal email to get the code, you may not be able to if you are currently locked out.  Also, we have found that when people’s GSCS account gets compromised quite often their personal email accounts are compromised as well.  This enables hackers to intercept the code and the change of password.

The interesting thing about compromised accounts is you are usually completely unaware.  Hackers are very good a hiding and covering their tracks.  To give this some perspective, on any given day we have 200 to 400 compromised and high risk accounts.  High risk accounts are ones showing unusual activity.  An example of what we will typically see with these compromised accounts: you will be logged in at your school and at the same time you’ll be logged in from Russia.  Whoever is at the other end (in Russia or other countries) will be reading all of your emails and accessing data that you have access to.  This data could be your paystubs, student data that you have access to or any other GSCS data source you can access.  Sometimes the hackers will even elevate your privileges without you (or us) knowing immediately, giving them access to even more systems in our school division.  This is a very serious threat, not only to privacy but potentially with financial ramifications if they could access your financial information, social insurance number, etc.

I hope this email addresses of your concerns about the Authenticator app and why we are making these changes.  We are only implementing security systems to try to avoid a major security incident striking our school division down, as we have seen happen to others across the country and in our province over the last short while.  Education is a prime target for organized crime over the last four or five years, and the intensity of this activity has been increasing aggressively. The changes we are making are designed to protect you, our students, and, our data and systems. As we are doing this, we are carefully selecting processes that are the least invasive to you.