- Breaks are outlined in article 34.4 of the collective bargaining agreement. Full time staff shall be granted fifteen (15) minute rest periods both preceding and following their lunch. Lunch is unpaid for employees starting before 1:00 pm.
- Article 34.7 states that the two (2) rest periods (15 min each) and lunch break (20 min) may be combined so that two (2) breaks of twenty-five (25) minutes maybe taken during a shift, provided there is mutual agreement between the employee and immediate supervisor. Breaks cannot be taken at the beginning or end of the shift. This is for employees who start at 1:00 pm or later.
The information is pertaining to 6 to 8hr employees. However, we have received from the human resource manager the following regarding shifts with less than 6 hours.
5 hrs – 1–20-minute break
4 hrs – 1–15-minute break
3 hrs – no break
Those of you with multiple locations will discuss with each school Head Caretaker and the assistant manager of HR Facility Services to be determine the best scheduled breaks.
We would like to remind you it’s your break and you need to be taking them to recharge and rest.
A conversation with the Building Operator/Head Caretaker regarding breaks is a good start. If you have any other questions, please contact a member of the executive.