Santa Claus Parade

Hello everyone, this Sunday the Santa Claus parade is coming to Saskatoon we would like to invite you to come and join us.  Parade day we will meet at 11:00 in the marshaling area at the farmers market located at River Landing. We won’t know where we will be in the line up, so look for CUPE people.
Parade flyer

WHAT:  OUR TIME TOGETHER: A national space for Black, Indigenous and racialized CUPE members and allies to co-create nationally and stay connected.

WHO:  If you’re a CUPE member who identifies as a Black, Indigenous and/or racialized person or an ally, you’re invited to a national space where we can work together to put CUPE’s Anti-Racism Strategy into action.

The hosts of this event are Debra Merrier, CUPE National Diversity Vice-President representing Indigenous workers and Aubrey Gonsalves, CUPE National Diversity Vice-President, representing Black and racialized workers.

WHEN:  Saturday, November 19, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. CST


To register for the event on November 19, 2022, Click here.


 Event Overview and Background 

OUR TIME TOGETHER: A national space for Black, Indigenous and racialized CUPE members and allies 

Purpose: Black, Indigenous and racialized CUPE members and allies will share, make connections, and brainstorm actions to build an anti-racist labour movement. We’ll be guided by CUPE’s diversity vice-presidents, as well as our union’s Anti-Racism Strategy and commitment to Truth and Reconciliation. When members with lived experience and allies connect, change can happen. Participants will leave knowing their national union continues to be committed to creating an anti-racist union.

Background: This is the second national meeting to bring CUPE’s Anti-Racism Strategy to life. In Goal #2 – Representation, the strategy calls for CUPE to create organizing spaces for Black, Indigenous and racialized members, and we’re doing that. This time, allies are invited as this work can’t be done alone. So, whether you’re a grassroots member or sit on your local’s executive, please join us! It’s your opportunity to make connections, ask questions and give feedback on how to increase representation and how your diversity vice-presidents can best represent you.

If you have any questions, please contact the Human Rights Branch at

In solidarity,

CUPE Sask.