National Safe Union Spaces Working Group

Earlier this year, CUPE created a National Safe Union Spaces Working Group to address serious concerns about gender-based violence and other forms of harassment and discrimination in our union.

Our work is being guided by expert external consultants. The external consultants will be holding a series of focus groups to help CUPE review our existing tools and processes, and identify gaps where we need changes or additional resources to ensure safer union spaces for all members.

Some of the sessions are being held specifically for members of our equity-seeking groups. Members are welcome to attend the session for any group that they identify as a member of, and all members are welcome in the general sessions.

Focus groups will take place on Zoom. Please use the following links to register for the session you wish to attend.


All members are welcome to participate. Don’t miss out – register today!

In solidarity,

The National Safe Union Spaces Working Group

Judy Henley
Sherry Hillier
Lee-Anne Kalen
Yolanda McClean
Nan McFadgen
Debra Merrier
Barb Nederpel
Carole Neill
Karen Ranalletta
Candace Rennick

CUPE safe union spaces survey


Earlier this year, CUPE’s National Executive Board created a National Safe Union Spaces Working Group to address serious concerns about gender-based violence and other forms of harassment and discrimination in our union.



The Working Group, advised by expert external consultants, has been reviewing CUPE’s existing tools and processes, identifying gaps where we need changes or additional resources to ensure safer union spaces.


As part of this important effort, the Working Group is launching a survey.

CUPE encourages all members to participate in this survey. The survey will help us identify actions we can take and policies we can adopt to make CUPE more welcoming for all members.

 The survey closes September 28.

 Participate in the survey now.

In solidarity,


President, CUPE Saskatchewan

General Vice President, CUPE National

Member of the National Safe Union Spaces Working Group

A message from Management about September 30th.

In June, the federal government passed legislation to make September 30 a federal statutory holiday called the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This day provides an opportunity to recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools. This may present itself as a day of quiet reflection or participation in a community event.

This day will be observed in Saskatchewan, but it is not yet a statutory holiday in Saskatchewan for employees who are not federally regulated.

To honour the spirit and intent of the federal declaration, and to honour our collective agreements that follow federally regulated statutory holidays, we are making the following changes to our school calendars:

  • September 30 will be a Professional Learning and Development (PLD) day, and students will not attend classes.
    • For elementary schools, the planned October 8 PLD is being moved, so Oct. 8 will be a regular school day for students and staff.
      • Humboldt schools: the June 6 PLD will move to Sept. 30.
      • St. Gabriel in Biggar: the Oct. 12 PLD will move to Sept 30.
    • For high schools, early dismissal days in October and March will be combined into one PLD on September 30; those October and March days will be full days for students.
    • Sept. 30 will be a statutory holiday for CUPE staff (not a work day).
    • Sept. 30 will remain a work day for teaching staff and out-of-scope staff.


As part of our collective response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, professional development on this day will be designed to help deepen our understanding of—and commitments to—the history and impact of residential schools, reconciliation, and anti-racist education. Some professional development already planned for October 8 will shift to September 30. 


We will observe Orange Shirt Day on September 29.


In future years, it is possible the provincial government will alter existing legislation to align with the federal declaration of the statutory holiday. We will plan the 2022-23 school year calendars with this date in mind.


If you have any questions, please ask your principal or manager/supervisor.

September 12th

Hello 3730 members!  Our social committee was planning a social gathering for September 12th but unfortunately because of rising Covid 19 numbers this is no longer an option. We would like to do something virtually soon but are looking for your suggestions. If you have any ideas of fun things we could do via zoom, let us know.
Thanks, your social committee.

COVID – 19 Vaccine

To Members of Cupe Local 3730

      It has come to the executive’s attention that some members seeking to get a vaccination are being turned away.

As an executive we have reached out to the Board for some clarification, and a call to the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA).  I can assure you that the Board was told all staff at the school levels will get access to the vaccinations. The Board has a meeting with the SHA today and we are told that this issue will be addressed. If you are planning to receive a vaccine, then we encourage you to stand your ground at the vaccination sites and ask for a supervisor so you can explain that we are the same as teachers and support staff.

When you attend to your vaccination, ensure you have your current pay stub. Stay tuned for further information on this important matter..

In Solidarity,

The executive for Local 3730

Labour Relations and Workplace safety minutes

Hello everyone here is the minutes of both labour relations and workplace safety committees. If you have any concerns or items to add to the agenda of these committees please submit it to the people down below.

Labor Relations Committee
3730 committee members
Jason Schrader    St Marys
Ron Mclean       Service Center
Workplace Safety Committee
3730 committee members
Jason Schrader    St Marys