Logo Contest

Greetings everyone,
At our last Membership meeting we discussed that we don’t have a logo for our local. The decision was made to have a contest where current members can submit a logo and send it to CUPE3730@outlook.com. After the due date, the executive will pick 3 of the most appropriate entries. Those 3 entries will be put to a vote by the members at our next general meeting, with the winner being awarded a $75 gift card.
  1. Needs to be child friendly (because it will be seen by the public often)
  2. The due date is January 18th
  3. You can send the logo as a screen shot, or jpeg.
The next general meeting will be January 29th.


Hello everyone, we would like to remind you that if you are injured during work hours; you have 24 hours to go and get it checked out by a doctor and have them send it to the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) within the time frame. Otherwise, any claim outside of the time frame will most likely be rejected.  Please note that some injuries may seem small when it happens but later on, they can cause irreparable damage if not taken care of.

Convention Intervention: A Rally to Save Saskatchewan

Saturday, November 6th, 2021
Noon – 1:00pm
TCU Place

Masks are mandatory with attendance.
Organized by the SFL, this rally during the upcoming Sask Party convention in Saskatoon is a chance for us to tell the Sask Party how their decisions have had consequences on all our lives – and demand action and accountability.


Members of the CUPE Saskatchewan Executive Board will be participating in the rally – and we encourage members of CUPE Local Unions to join.


Our province is at a breaking point.


Record COVID-19 case numbers. Record hospitalizations. The lowest vaccination rates in the country. Military Assistance called in to support a crumbling healthcare system. And no end in sight.


It didn’t have to be this way.


Health experts warned Premier Moe and the Sask. Party that their plans to drop all health restrictions was reckless and irresponsible. Instead, Moe decided to put politics ahead of people and dropped them anyway. He gambled with people’s lives, and he lost.


What’s happening now is a direct result of Moe and the Sask. Party’s decisions. Still, Moe and the Sask. Party are in denial that there’s even a problem, and are desperately trying to change the channel instead of doing what’s necessary to save lives.


It’s time for the Premier and the Sask. Party to take some accountability for their actions. It’s time for them to apologize to Saskatchewan for their mistakes. And it’s time to us, as working people, to intervene, and demand that our government do what’s necessary to keep people safe.

Facebook event link:  https://www.facebook.com/events/434385778250209/

Message from Diane Boyko and Greg Chatlain

 **This message is for all GSCS staff sent on behalf of Board of Education Chair Diane Boyko and Director of Education Greg Chatlain.**


Further to the October 12, 2021, message about a proof of vaccine or negative policy in the works, the Board of Education approved the attached policy on October 18, 2021. Also attached is the administrative procedure to accompany the policy.


The decision to pursue such a policy is not one we have taken lightly. We appreciate the frank, respectful dialogue we have had around the board table, with senior administration, with medical professionals, with church officials and with many of you who have offered feedback.


Just seven weeks into the school year, we find ourselves in a position that we must take further action to protect children and youth who are bearing a disproportionate burden during this fourth wave of the pandemic. In this short time, we have had more COVID-19 cases in schools than we did the entire 2020-21 school year, and outbreaks have been declared in several schools, indicating there is in-school transmission.


Similar to policies or processes in other jurisdictions, our policy is being implemented “in order to reduce the burden on Saskatchewan’s health care system, enable essential services to continue, and to reduce serious illness and overall deaths as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic” (Public Health Order – Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination or Negative Test – September 30, 2021)


In addition to these reasons, we believe measures to supplement the ones we already have in place will allow us to continue in-person learning, which we can all agree is preferable and is beneficial for students’ physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being.


As the October 12 message to staff mentioned, the policy is mindful of the Catholic Church’s view of vaccines as a voluntary, morally responsible way to protect one’s own health and pursue the common good. Because of the effectiveness of approved vaccines, vaccination should naturally be one of those measures. If individuals opt to not pursue the most effective preventative measure (vaccination), regular monitoring is a reasonable alternative for those individuals.


Although not a requirement for fully-vaccinated individuals, staff access to voluntary rapid testing will continue.


Also attached is a Frequently Asked Questions document that we hope addresses concerns or questions you may have.


Next steps: Logistical details about providing proof of vaccination and test requirements will follow later this week. Look for an email from GSCS <mailbot@applitrack.com>.

May the Holy Spirit continue to guide us.


5.1 COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination or Proof of Negative Test for Employees, Trustees and Other Individuals

COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination or Proof of Negative Test for Employees, Trustees and Other Individuals

FAQs vaccine or negative test policy October 2021

Diane Boyko

Board of Education Chair

Greg Chatlain

Director of Education

Highlights of the September 2021 National Executive Board meeting


National President’s Report and National Secretary-Treasurer’s Report to the September 2021 National Executive Board meeting

Letter – Apply to sit on CUPE’s national committees

Economy at Work – CUPE’s economic and bargaining newsletter

Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Committees

Good day on behalf of our Workplace Safety Committee and our Labour Relations Committee,

Committee members are committed to ensuring you have a safe and healthy work environment. Please send in any issues you wish to be addressed and the Committee’s will do its best to discuss them at the upcoming committee meeting to be held via Microsoft teams on Sept 27th, 2021 please send all items before Friday sept 22nd.


Your Workplace Safety Committee and Labour Relations Committee for CUPE 3730.

Sitting members

Labour Relations Jason Schrader(St Mary’s) & Ron Mclean(Service Center)

Workplace Safety Jason Schrader(St Mary’s)  & Bobby Cabuco(St Volodymyr)