This short film dives into our province’s rich public service history, beginning with its humble roots. It then explores he Sask Party’s not-so-secret plan to sell off, cut, and privatize our public services – a plan that began with Brad Wall in 2007.

Click here to watch the documentary.

But there’s hope. In talking with people from all over the province, one thing became clear, we fight for what we love. And Saskatchewan people love public health care, education, infrastructure, transportation, libraries, and so much more.

Will you watch our new documentary and share it?

I’m proud of the film we’ve created. I hope you enjoy it.

Judy Henley
President, CUPE Saskatchewan

Notice of opportunity

CUPE Saskatchewan is currently accepting applications from members of affiliated Local Unions ton server on the following Executive Board Alternate positions, Trustee and Standing Committees.

Applications for consideration of appointment must be received by no later than noon on Monday, May 16, 2022 by emailing Judy Henley at

Please advise which position you are applying for and why you are interested in becoming active in this role.

– Trustee (3 year term)

Alternates for CUPE Saskatchewan Executive Board positions:
– Alternate for Racialized Executive member (1 – year term)
– Alternate for LGBTQ2+ Executive member (2 – year term)
– Alternate for Worker with Disability Executive member (1 – year term)
– Alternate for Young Worker Executive member (29 years of age and under) (2 – year term)
– Alternate for Boards and Agencies Sector Executive member (2 – year term)
– Alternate for CBO Sector Executive member (2 – year term)

Standing Committee Vacancies:
– Committee Against Contracting Out and Privatization (2 positions) (2 – year term)
– Global Justice Committee (1 position) (2 – year term)
– Occupational Health and Safety (1 position) (1 – year term)
– Young Worker (1 position) (1 – year term)
Committee Against Racism & Discrimination (CARD) position as listed:
– LGBTQ2+ (1 position) (2 – year term)
– LGBTQ2+ (1 position) (1 – year term)
– Racialized (1 position) (1 – year term)

Conditions of appointment
For Alternates of the Executive Board, the first meeting you will be requested to attend is an in-person planning session on June 1, 2022 in Saskatoon. Otherwise, alternates to members on the Executive Board only attend Executive Board meetings when replacing Executive Board members.

For Standing Committee members, the first in-person meeting will be held on June 6, 2022 in Regina for the All Committees Meeting. Committees typically hold up to four (4) meetings in a calendar year. Union leave may be required to attend such meetings. In-person meetings are held when it is considered safe to do so and all costs and expenses will be covered as per CUPE Saskatchewan expense policy.

How do I apply?
To be eligible for appointment, you must be a member in good standing of a CUPE Local Union affiliation to CUPE Saskatchewan Division.
Consideration will be given to those applicants who were delegates at the most recent convention held on April 25 – 27, 2022.
Further information on the Standing Committees can be viewed on
Any member interested should email Judy Henley at before noon on Monday, May 16, 2022.

In solidarity,

Judy Henley, President
CUPE Saskatchewan

CUPE Education webinar: The fight for workers after the convoy

The so-called “Freedom Convoy” occupied the streets of Ottawa for 23 days this winter. Spin-off protests and blockades have rocked cities and towns across the country. Who organized these protests and what are their goals? What does it mean for workers? And how can CUPE members respond?

Three CUPE regions are coming together to co-host a webinar to look at these questions and more. Join us for a discussion with Kurt Phillips from Canadian Anti-Hate NetworkAubrey GonsalvesCUPE diversity vice-president; and Angella MacEwenCUPE National’s senior economist.

The COVID pandemic put a huge strain on our public services and revealed the gaps in Canada’s social safety net. What will that mean for politics in Canada going forward? How do we fight back against the rise of the far-right, racism and white supremacy? Workers and the labour movement have a responsibility to answer these questions. This is sure to be an informative and engaging event—invite your friends and family to join.

ASL and French language interpretation will be provided.

What: The Fight for Workers After the Convoy Webinar
When: March 30, 5:00 p.m. in AB and SK, 8 p.m. in NS, and 8:30 pm in NL
Register to attend here:

Sponsored by CUPE Education in the Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Atlantic regions.

Accessing benefits booklet amounts and coverage.

If you are enrolled online with Manulife you can access your benefit book there.

  • On the top banner select “Plan Documents”
  • Member Documents – Benefits book

If you have the Manulife app on a smart phone you can check your currently available balances for each type of claim for example:

  • Chiropractor – 100 left out of 250
  • Dental – 1457 left out of 2000
  • Eye Exam – once per 24 months

Blades Tickets

Hello everyone,
For those who are still interested in going to the Blades game on April 8th, we have a special offer from the SPEL committee for some tickets.

  • 5$ kids
  • 15$ adults

We would like to encourage you to wear pink or teal to show support for support workers. The tickets are for zone Z.

Here is the link for the tickets: Blades Ticketmaster link.

Blades Game Winners!!!

Hello everyone, we would like to thank everyone who put their names in for the Blades tickets.

Our winners are:

  • Ken Booth (St. Nicholas)
  • Eric Masinsin (Board Office)
  • Andrew Lafreniere (Bishop Murry)
  • Kristy Parfitt (Farm School)
  • Reynaldo Bernardo (Bishop James Mahoney)

You can collect the tickets at our next General Membership Meeting which is March 26th, 2022 10am at Mother Teresa School.


Dear CUPE 3730,
The following is information about two concurrent rallies in both Regina and Saskatoon in the afternoon on Saturday, March 19, 2022.
Judy Henley, President of CUPE Saskatchewan, will be speaking at the rally in Regina.

Rallies to Give Voice to the Thousands Silenced.
Saturday, March 19, 2022
1:00 p.m.
Where:  TWO LOCATIONS (at the same time):
Saskatoon at Kiwanis Park.
Regina at the grounds of the Legislative Building.

Facebook Event for Saskatoon on March 19, 2022.
Facebook Event for Regina on March 19, 2022.

The rallies are hosted by the grassroots community group: Take Action Against COVID Saskatchewan.
The rallies will be calling for:

  • Free and accessible PCR testing.
  • Timely and detailed reporting so that we may assess our own risk.
  • The return the mandatory self isolation periods when contracting COVID-19.
  • Paid sick days for all workers in Saskatchewan.
  • Allow school boards to determine their own masking policies.


Website event link: COVID IS NOT OVER! March 19, 2020 Saskatoon and Regina.


Tomorrow Is Christmas!!!!!!

The final lucky winner
is getting their hands on
a $25 Gift card to
Canadian Brewhouse.

Gerrett Bozek!!!


That concludes our CUPE 3730’s 10 Days of Christmas.
Thank you for everything you all do in our schools and in our local.
A special thanks goes out to our social committee for putting on this lovely event.
We would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas.