Dear CUPE Local Unions in the Education Sector

CUPE Saskatchewan Education Workers’ Steering Committee launches survey to examine cuts. 

Last spring, school divisions across the province announced cuts and layoffs due to another year of provincial under-funding. Now that the school year is underway, CUPE is conducting a public survey to look at the impacts these cuts are having on students and staff.

“Our school divisions and staff are dealing with the effects of austerity funding,” said Omar Murray, a bus driver in the Chinook School Division, and Chair of the CUPE Saskatchewan Education Workers’ Steering Committee. “We know this has an impact on students. This survey will provide a valuable snapshot of the situation in education.”

CUPE represents over 7,000 education support workers and is a strong advocate for the education system.

“CUPE members are there to support students, teachers, and administration. This survey will give us the information we need to effectively advocate for better education funding.”

I would encourage everyone that is concerned on where the education system is going to please fill out the survey and to share. 

The survey can be found at:

Thank you for participating in the survey!

Stand up for Public Education!!!!

Join us for a free community BBQ in Saskatoon on Saturday, July 9, 2022, from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at Kinsmen Park (by Nutrien Playland) – and Stand Up for Public Education!

Invite CUPE members, your family, friends and neighbours!

Hosted by CUPE Saskatchewan and CUPE Education Workers in Saskatoon and surrounding area, and joined by the Saskatchewan NDP, the community BBQ is an opportunity to support the call for increased education funding from the provincial government and stop the cuts!


  • RSVP at this link:
  • You can also text  9JULY2022 to +1-613-900-0450 to RSVP. (Upon text, you will receive a message and an email with event details. For questions or more information, please call the CUPE Saskatchewan office directly at 306-757-1009.)

Want to help volunteer at the BBQ?

  • Volunteers are welcome! Directly reply to this email.

Can’t make it to the BBQ?

Invite others to sign the petition too!

Let’s Stand Up for Public Education.

Rock your Roots!! Walk for Reconciliation in Saskatoon!!

On National Indigenous Peoples Day, join CUPE Saskatchewan at the Rock Your Roots Walk for Reconciliation in Saskatoon on Tuesday, June 21, 2022.



Demonstrate your support for Truth & Reconciliation and honour Residential School Survivors.

Arrive at 10:00 a.m. in the morning at Victoria Park (meet at Spadina Cres W and 17th St W). Look for the CUPE banner and flags!

At 10:30 a.m. the walk along the Saskatoon riverbank will begin, with the walk ending in Victoria Park. (Walk from 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.)

Following the walk, National Indigenous Peoples Day celebrations will take place in the park from Noon until 4:00 p.m. Visit the CUPE Saskatchewan table!

Wear Orange! Walkers are invited to wear their cultural regalia or an orange shirt. CUPE Saskatchewan orange t-shirts will also be available.

Click here for event information.

CUPE Local Unions are welcome to bring their banners and flags.

Join us and RSVP:

  • RSVP at this link:
  • You can also Text WALK2022 to +1-613-900-0450 to RSVP. (Upon text, you will receive a message and an email with event details. For questions or more information, please call the CUPE Saskatchewan office directly at 306-757-1009.)
  • Or notify Jodi at the CUPE Saskatchewan Division Office at: or call 306-757-1009. Please provide your name and cell phone number to reach you

Saskatoon Pride Parade!!

All CUPE members and staff are welcome to join CUPE Saskatchewan as we march with a float in the upcoming Saskatoon Pride Parade on Saturday, June 18, 2022.
RSVP here.

Before the Parade
You can volunteer to help with the CUPE float set up and decorating beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the morning on Saturday June 18, at 722 Bedford road in Saskatoon.

Joining the CUPE SK Float at the Parade – Staging Area
Be part of the parade and march with us in the Parade alongside the CUPE SK float!
Meet the CUPE float before the parade in the Staging Area, at the Kinsmen Park Entrance or Spadina Cres E / 24th St E entrance.
Arrive between shortly before Noon – 12:15 in the afternoon on Saturday, June 18. We’ll be finishing decorating the float during this time too!
We’ll need to be ready for 12:45 p.m., as the parade officially begins its route at 1:00p.m.
During the parade, we’ll be passing out swag, waving our flags, and marching with Frontline Pride and Solidarity!

At the Parade – Watch Along the Parade Route!
You can watch the parade and join along the parade route on Saturday, June 18
The Saskatoon Pride Parade will start at 1:00 p.m. in the downtown area (Spadina Cres E & 24th St E), taking the route of the 24th St E to 4th Ave S to 22nd St E, then 22nd St E to 1st Ave S, then 1st Ave S to 20th St E, and 20th St E to 3rd Ave S – and will finish at 3rd Ave S and Victoria (traffic) Bridge.
Click here for the Saskatoon Pride Parade Route Map for 2022
Following the parade, the Saskatoon Pride Festival and Market will be held located at the end of the Pride Parade a River Landing, between the Sid Buckwold Bridge and the Victoria (Traffic) Bridge.

Sign-up to volunteer:
RSVP at this link:

You can also Text CUPEPRIDE2 to +1-613-900-0450 to RSVP. (Upon text, you will receive a message and an email with event details. For questions and more information, please call the CUPE Saskatchewan office directly at 306-757-1009.)

Or notify Jodi at the CUPE Saskatchewan Division Office at: or call 306-757-1009. Please provide your name and cell number to reach you.

Contact for Day-of-Event:
The day of the Saskatoon Pride Parade event on Saturday, June 18, you can notify JR Simpson by cell and text at: 306-260-6005.

Join CUPE Saskatchewan at more upcoming Pride Parades:
In Yorkton Pride Parade with CUPE 5430 on Saturday, July 9, 2022! More details will be shared soon!

In solidarity,

On behalf of CUPE Saskatchewan’s committee Against Racism @ Discrimination.

Libraries in need of help!

There is a trend developing in the library sector to promote a “staff-less” library.  This system takes away the human element of libraries and does NOT promote public services in our public libraries.

Kingston City Council is currently looking at a staff-less library.  Click on the link and sign the petition to show solidarity to our brothers, sisters and friends and CUPE 2202 and 2202.01.

Membership to the NDP

Please consider your options with the NDP. you can purchase 1 year for 10 dollars or 3 years for 30 dollars with a tax credit of 22.50. this means you pay 7.50 for a 3 year membership in the NDP. join us with the rest of CUPE Saskatchewan in forming this new government at the next election.