Mylene E
winner of this 25$ gift card to
Tim Hortons
1st Day of 12 Days of Christmas!!!
Andy L is our first
winner of this 25$ gift card to the Keg!!!
Husky Game
A little while ago we hosted a booth at the last Husky Football game, here is a few pictures of those who volunteered.
Support for Survivor of Evan Hardy Attack
Help support Rebecca, a survivor of the Evan Hardy High Collegiate attack, and her family as they face ongoing medical and travel expenses. Rebecca is currently hospitalized in Edmonton, and her family is by her side through this difficult journey.
Please concider donating to the GoFundMe link Rebbeca’s GoFundMe.
The Foundation Golf Tournament
Hello everyone, a couple of weeks ago we sent 2 teams to the GSCS Foundation Golf Tournament. There was a lot of fun happening with this lot of people.
Blades Night!
Here are a few pictures from the SPEL committee sponsored Blades night!!
We had a fantastic turnout for bowling!!!
A great thanks to our social committee for planning the event.
Saskatchewan Federation of Labour
Here is a newsletter from the SFL on equity, inclusivity and equality
February SFL Equity Newsletter