Notice of rally

Dear CUPE members,
Let’s join the all hands on deck rally for public health care on September 23, 2023, hosted by the Saskatchewan Health Coalition.

Our health care system is at a breaking point from years of Sask. Party  privatization and cuts. we need all hands on deck to protect and strengthen our public health system, to ensure the fundamental principles of the Canada health act are respected, and to put patients and needed investments in the frontlines of care first.

Together, let’s stand up for quality, accessible and equitable health care that for too long has suffered from the Sask. Party’s privatization, mismanagement and cuts.

What: Rally for Public health care, hosted by the Saskatchewan Health Coalition
When: Saturday, September 23, 2023 at Noon (12 – 1pm)
Where: In front of the Saskatchewan Legislative Building, 2405 Legislative dr, Regina

CUPE members can RSVP here for the rally

Need a ride? Let us know

Please submit your transportation requests before September 6, 2023. Once transportation requests are submitted at the link above, we will coordinate and advise of potential bus or carpooling options that may be available.

In solidarity,

Judy Henley
President, CUPE Saskatchewan