Stand with the Teachers!

Dear CUPE members,

Last week, Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) members voted in favour of job sanctions as their bargaining negotiations with the provincial government has stalled.

Bargaining negotiations between the STF and the Sask. Party government have been challenging, especially since the government continues to run a misleading billboard campaign aimed at turning the public against teachers.

Although the STF has not announced any formal job action, we have been hearing that employers are building a plan for STF duties just in case. We have also heard that CUPE members are being approached about doing additional before/after school and general lunch supervision. We have also heard from members that employers are discussing changing hours of work for CUPE members in order for them to cover STF duties.

Some examples of duties covered by STF members include: before/after school supervision (15 minutes before and after the bell), as well as general recess supervision. These are duties that fall under the scope of STF members. For any CUPE members that currently do lunch time supervision, this would not be considered additional duties.

Please follow these guidelines:

  • If you are approached by your employer asking you to volunteer to take on additional lunch supervision duties, we are asking that you decline.
  • If your employer has mentioned changing your hours of work, without proper consultation / notice, in order to cover for STF duties, please contact your union representative immediately. There are notice periods that need to be followed and may be other language in your collective agreement that must be followed.
  • If your employer does change your hours to cover STF duties, you must still work those hours, otherwise you may be disciplined. Please notify your union representative as soon as possible. The situation will be investigated, and we will attempt to resolve the matter, including the possibility of filing a grievance if necessary.

Additional duties that CUPE members take on will weaken the action teachers may take. Please stand in solidarity with our STF colleagues.

CUPE members have also been asking about the possibility of going on strike along with STF members. CUPE Education workers do not have provisions in their collective agreements that permits us to strike alongside STF members or refuse to cross picket lines. CUPE is in regular contact with the STF, and STF members understand that if there is a labour disruption, CUPE members will be expected to report to work across STF picket lines.

There are many other ways we can help our STF colleagues, including refusing additional duties, showing up to STF rallies in support and solidarity, and by emailing your MLA at: Tell Them Tuesday.

We are stronger when we are together.

In solidarity,


President, CUPE Saskatchewan


Chair, CUPE Education Workers’ Steering Committee