CUPE Education Support Staff Stand with the STF

Dear CUPE Member,
As you may have heard, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) is currently bargaining with the provincial government.

All signs are pointing to a challenging round of negotiations. The government came under fire this summer for a misleading billboard campaign aimed at turning the public against teachers.

Although the STF has not announced any formal job action, it looks like the employer is trying to build a plan for STF duties just in case. We have also heard from a few locals that our members have been approached about doing additional before/after school and general lunch supervision.

CUPE stands in solidarity with the members not to take on any additional duties that are currently done by teachers.

If you are approached by the employer asking you to take on additional duties, please contact your union representative immediately.

Duties including before/after school supervision (15 minutes before and after bell), as well as general recess supervision. These are duties that fall under the scope of STF members. General lunch supervision is voluntary for STF members. For any CUPE members that currently do lunch supervision, this would not be additional duties.

Additional duties that CUPE members take on will weaken the action teachers may take. Please stand in solidarity with our STF colleagues.

We are stronger when we stand together.

If you want to show your support for teachers, please consider participating in Tell Them Tuesdays.

In solidarity,

Judy Henley
President, CUPE Saskatchewan

Omar Murray
Chair, CUPE Education Workers Steering Committee